The College Board recently released a big document that answers many of the questions regarding changes that are being made to the SAT in Spring 2016.
The new SAT Math Section will test students on three areas known as: Heart of Algebra, Problem Solving and Data Analysis, and Passport to Advanced Math. In addition to receiving a score on the 800 scale, students will receive sub-scores in each of the three topics. The College Board also revealed that the test will contain questions on Additional Topics in Math that won't contribute to the sub-scores of the three main sections, but will contribute to the overall math score.
What Will the New Math Section Look Like?
The Format (two sections):
Calculator Section:
No Calculator SectionCalculator Section:
- Questions: 30 multiple-choice, 6 grid-ins and 1 extended grid-in (weighted more, 4 pts)
- Time: 55 minutes
- Questions: 15 multiple-choice, 5 grid-ins
- Time: 25 minutes
All in all, the new SAT’s math section will consist of 80 minutes of testing on 57 questions—10 more minutes and 3 more questions than the current SAT.
Calculator Use: On the new SAT students will not be able to use their calculator on one of the math sections. This section will test the students math fluency and ability to apply mathematical concepts to conceptual problems for which a calculator might not be helpful.
Multi-Step Grid-In: In the calculator section, expect a word problem with multiple parts. It require that students answer at least two grid-in questions related to a real-life situation. These questions will weight more heavily than the other questions on the exam.
Fewer Geometry Problems: The new SAT will focus more heavily on algebra and data analysis, and as a result there will be less geometry questions. Problems that involve angles, triangles, volume, and area will make up no more than 10% of the new SAT.
Pre Calculus Added: The new SAT has added more advanced concepts: trigonometry, complex numbers, and radians. These questions will account for fewer than 6 questions on the test.
Real-Life Situations: Many of the new math questions will ask students to apply mathematical reasoning to situations in business, science, or the social sciences.
Heart of Algebra
This section is all about linear relationships. This is nothing new, however, students will most likely be asked to solve more linear equation problems than in the past. Students will need to solve linear equations and systems of equations, and recognize properties of graphs (e.g. slope, x- and y-intercepts). Here’s a sample question (p. 147):
A student should be able to recognize the solution to this problem can be obtained by multiplying both sides by 6:
The next problem is an example of how solving a system of equations may no longer be possible with a simple operation:
Notice that in order to solve the above problem, we must find x and y individually! Combine like terms in the first equation and then use Elimination to solve for "x". We find that x = 2 and then with substitution, y = 0.25. Then xy = 0.5.
Problem Solving and Data Analysis
Data-analysis questions require that students be able to read tables and graphs. Not much has changed here except that these questions may be appear more frequently on the new SAT math section.
Passport to Advanced Math
Passport to Advanced Math will focus on the student's ability to handle more complex equations and manipulate them to get the correct answer. Here's an example of this from p. 186
In order to solve this problem, you might solve for "x", and find that x=15. The units of each term are jobs per hour, therefore, the slower printer can complete 1 job in 15 hours. So, the answer is B!
Advanced Topics in Math
This section contains math concepts that have not previously been tested on the SAT. Expect to see:
- trigonometry (using degrees and radians)
- complex numbers
- more concepts on circles than is currently required (finding chord lengths and working with circles in a coordinate plane, for example)
The geometry questions will be presented in this section. Here's a sample question from p. 193:
Let's use the strategy "Choose Your Own Number". Say that AB = 6 and therefore, r = 3 and CD = 4. Draw in the following lines:
Of course, since PD is a radius, it has a length of 3 just like AP and PB.
Now substitute r in to each answer choice. The answer is B!
Who Should Take the New SAT?
I've had several students ask me if they should wait and take the new SAT or study and take the current SAT. The new SAT will not be released until Spring of 2016. I recommend that if you have a choice, you should take the current version of the test. The first group of students to take the new SAT are basically guinea pigs. We won't know for certain what this test will look like until it is given. As such, it may be hard to properly prepare. Of, course you would want to make sure that your student has completed all the math necessary to succeed on the test (generally, completing a Math 2 course).
If you have to be the first group of students to take the new SAT, you may want to focus on the ACT instead. This test is a well known quantity and will be easier to study for.
More to Come!
We will be blogging soon about the redesigned Reading/Writing/Language and Essay portions of the new SAT! And of course, remember that if you’re prepping for the SAT now, you don’t need to worry about this stuff at all. The SAT doesn’t change until March 2016.
Graphics and some content from
Source: The College Board, Test Specifications for the Redesigned SAT, 2014
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